ASB Community
About Us

The ASB community will reflect the cultural and social diversity of the city and its region: the university recruits staff and researchers from Morocco and around the world, and as it grows, the “Green City” will attract local and international citizens, organizations and businesses that will increase this diversity. This rich and very special environment will be an ideal place to raise children and prepare them for their future in tomorrow’s world.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
We will invite and help parents and school staff to form an Organization (Parent Teacher Organization – PTO) that will support the school in its efforts to create an even richer and more stimulating environment for children.
The PTO will play an important role in promoting parental involvement in their child’s schooling, building relationships, and bringing the community together for the betterment of the students’ educational experience at ASB. The organization will be open to all ASB parents and staff.
Traditionally, a PTO is involved in activities such as:
- Building community and organizing events: Book Week, International Fairs, Career Fairs, Science Fairs, Sports Days, Bake Sales, etc.
- Promoting cultural integration and understanding
- Developing and implementing Orientation/Mentorship programs for new families and staff members
- Volunteering in roles such as: chaperones for field trips, in-class assistants, extra curricular program assistants, event volunteers
- Forming and leading “Clubs” to support extracurricular programs: Sports, Theatre, Music, Model U.N., Dance, etc.
- Assisting with communications: weekly newsletters, student accomplishments, etc.
- Sponsoring staff appreciation efforts
- Serving as ambassadors for ASB
- Raising funds for special projects or needs that will benefit students